
Timmy singing

Timmy's mother-in-law grandmother, my mother-in-law, sings him "Paper Roses" as a lullaby. She's always sung him just that one song. Now Timmy remembers songs and he prods us what to sing by singing the first part of the song he wants. In his repertoire, "Paper Roses" (actually, la-la-la-la :-), "Row, row, row your boat", "Baa-baa black sheep", and a few others from children's books we've read him.


Unknown said...

Tiger, for Timmy's sake I hope he doesn't yet have a mother-in-law. You mean his lola, your mother-in-law, right? :p

Bopolissimus X Platypus said...

Heh, Good catch. Fixed. Thanks :-).